This Sunday we observed Gaudete Sunday and talked a bit about joy, the joy that comes from a connection with God, settling into what is ours to do, and sowing seeds of joy. You can watch the service here.
And if you have some time
and space this week. Consider the following:
What is your Magnificat — your song of joy of the great things God has done in your life?
For what does your soul praise God?
What hope, not yet realized in this lifetime but knowing the world will one day be set right, are you able to give thanks for today?
What has filled your mouth with laughter?
This series is for the dreamers in all of us—those who dream of a deeper connection with God and those who dream of a better world. It’s for those who dream of comfort and for those who have given up on their dreams. It's for those whose dreams have been crushed and for those who show us that dreams take time. Join us this Advent as we dream alongside
prophets and angels, Mary and the Magi. Join us as we seek and sow God’s dreams for our world.
Our next Sunday together we will remember the story of John the Baptist and remind ourselves that "Those That Dream...Prepare a Way." You can watch the service and see previous services here.