A Couple of Things...

Published: Sun, 04/26/20

Hello Everyone,

It was a joy to be together in worship this morning. Here are a couple of things I wanted to share with you before our regular email on Thursday.

First, on Friday May 1st at 8:00 PM, and lasting for 24 hours, there will be an online program, "The Call to Unite." The event will feature a special opening hour hosted by Tim Shriver with leaders including Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, T.D. Jakes, former Presidents, and more. Richard Rohr, Mirabai Starr, Barbara Holmes, Marianne Williamson, Yo Yo Ma, and many other speakers and musicians will be participating. Throughout the 24 hours, global leaders and entertainers will join front-line heroes and citizens of the world as each uniquely answers the call to unite – by teaching a practice, offering a prayer, performing a song, sharing a memory, announcing a commitment to action, or otherwise presenting a gift that helps people not only cope with the pandemic, but also come out of it in a fundamentally better place than before. You can find out more information and register at unite.us.

Second, we are once again soliciting your pictures and video clips for use in our worship service next Sunday. You can send a selfie, a picture of you and/or your family dancing, or a picture from the past of you dancing for use during our "Praise God" Easter Season Dance party time during worship. You can send your picture to pastorjason@lakeworthchurch.org.

Let's be lifting one another this week in all of the various circumstances in which we find ourselves. I will be praying for each of you!

Pastor Jason