This Week at FCCLW 7/1/18

Published: Thu, 06/28/18

July 1,  2018                                                                
Movie Night

On Friday night, July 13th, we will gather in the parlor to watch “The Shack.” This movie, based on the book by William Paul Young, imagines the Trinity in a unique, loving way. We will gather for a potluck at 6:30 and start the movie at 7:00. Part of the story is the kidnapping of a young girl and therefore contains scenes that might be too intense for young children.

Food Drive Update
We are seeking monetary as well as food donations for our Food Pantry. June was our food drive month and we appreciate the donations. However, the need in our community continues to rise. We need funding to keep our food pantry stocked for the year. Please mark any checks or cash "Food Pantry".

Community Dinner
Our church offers a community dinner on Tuesday evenings for area homeless and hungry but also for those who enjoy some fellowship time with friends. Please join us for a meal at 5:30 or come around 4:00 for some friendly get-together time.
Woody Guthrie's American Song

Social justice lyrics, an amazing cast and musicians, and our own Bruce Linser as director. Woody Guthrie's American Song will be playing July 11th - August 5th at Palm Beach Dramaworks. The Seattle Times calls it "An exuberant musical celebration of our nation, our history, and our shared humanity." We are considering going as a group to go see it. Let Jason know if you are interested.
Renewal Book Club 
The Renewal Book Club will not meet over the summer, but you can get a copy of the 2018 - 2019 Reading for Renewal Book Club List in the church office and start your summer reading now. Our selection for the first fall meeting, September 18th at 6:30 p.m., will be The Last Ballad by Wiley Cash.
You Outta Be In Pictures

We are in the process of producing a picture directory to distribute to members and friends of First Congregational United Church of Christ. Instead of engaging with a photography company to do this, we are going to be a little less formal. If you were part of
our last directory, we still have your picture. If you weren't, we're asking you to send us a favorite picture

of yourself. It can be anything from a selfie to a more formal picture that expresses who you are. Our only request is that it be a picture just of you, because it
will appear by your name when we print the directory.
If you would like someone to take a picture of you, let Pastor Jason know or you can email your pictures to
Pastor Jason.

Rainbow Interfaith Meditation
We continue to meet on Thursday evenings for a series of meditation gatherings. We will be exploring meditation practice in an interfaith context, using and adapting Buddhist mindfulness, Jewish kaballah, Christian centering prayer, Muslim dhikr, Hindu chakra contemplation, Taoist qi gong and other meditative practices. Each session will include a presentation as well as practice. We are calling this series Rainbow Meditation to honor the colorful array of traditions it incorporates. We meet at 7 pm. Read more here.
Hey, Thanks!
You're sharing this newsletter with your friends! More people read (or at least opened) our newsletter than we send out. If there is something here that interests you, it may interest someone else. If a friend sent this to you and you would like to receive it regularly, you can subscribe on our website.
 Collection for Guatemala
The Guatemala Mayan Center is collecting for another shipment in the near future for relief in Guatemala. You can bring items to the church and we will get them to the center.

Unprocessed foods, kitchen items (oil, sugar, salt, etc.), bottled water, masks, toilet paper, diapers, cotton and rubbing alcohol, new underwear, shoes, hygiene products, feminine hygiene products, pet food, sterile gauze, pain medication, cough and cold syrup, formula.

Online Giving

Have you explored the opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or you can make a one (or more) time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!


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Facebook Link

As much as we love gathering together on Sunday mornings, there are times when we are out of town or otherwise unable to be there in person. 

You can now watch our worship service live on Facebook right on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. At 10:30 on Sunday just head over to our Facebook page and join us!