This Week at FCCLW 4/29/18

Published: Thu, 04/26/18

April 29, 2018                                                                

The Wisdom Way of Knowing

You are invited to join Pastor Jason in exploring Cynthia Bourgeault’s book "The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart."

In it, Rev. Bourgeault traces the wisdom tradition from it’s emergence in ancient times through Christianity and describes how it might be practiced today for the benefit of individuals and the world. 

Each week, we will discuss a chapter of the book. We will also watch some of Cynthia’s teachings and engage in some of the wisdom practices she describes. We will have books available to purchase for $18.00. You can also purchase directly from Amazon – the book is available on Kindle.

CLICK HERE to learn more.
Earth Day Film

On Sunday, April 29, following the church service,
join us to view the film, "Ha
ppening, A Clean Energy Revolution," directed by James Redford. There will
be healthy snacks and time for discussion for those who are able to stay.

Chicken Dinner 

Chicken Dinner Image

We will be celebrating Mother's Day with a chicken (and all the fixin's) dinner on Sunday, May 13th after the 10:30 worship service. We look forward to being together for food and fellowship!
Mission Committee Hosts Coffee Hour

The Mission Committee will be hosting the Coffee Hour April 29th by serving subs and chips. The proceeds will be going to the U.C.C. collection "Strengthen the Church." 

The "Strengthen the Church" offering supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support of this offering will help the UCC fulfill on its commitment to creating a just world for all by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the emerging needs of local communities. As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. 
Dot Zook

For those in the congregation that would like to keep in touch with Dot Zook, her current address is: 736 Fairway Road, Woodward, TX 76712. 
Renewal Book Club
"The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver is the novel we will be discussing at our next book club meeting on May 15 at 6:30 pm in the church parlor. You can get a paperback copy on loan from the library in our fellowship hall after church. You can check out a book even if you cannot attend the book club meeting. See Carol Lewis for more info. 
Environmental Justice Action 
You can take action to help protect our plants and all creation by signing postcards to our Florida senators, Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, encouraging them to promote clean energy policies. The postcards are available at the Earth Day display in Fellowship Hall and also in the Parlor where you can see the HBO film, "Happening," after the worship service. The post cards will be mailed in bulk to Interfaith Power & Light and then delivered to our senators.
You Outta Be In Pictures

We are in the process of producing a picture
directory to distribute to members and friends of
First Congregational United Church of Christ.
Instead of engaging with a photography company
to do this, we are going to be a little less formal. If you were part of our last directory, we still have your picture. If you weren't, we're asking you to send us
a favorite picture of yourself. It can be anything from a selfie to a more formal picture that expresses who you are. Our only request is that it be a picture just
of you, because it will appear by your name when
we print the directory. If you would like someone to take a picture of you, let Pastor Jason know or you can email your pictures to Pastor Jason.
Hey, Thanks!

You're sharing this newsletter with your friends! More people read (or at least opened) our newsletter than we send out. If there is something here that interests you, it may interest someone else. If a friend sent this to you and you would like to receive it regularly, you can subscribe on our website.
Opportunity to Help

Mary Ellen Bryner could use
some support from her church family at this time. As most of you know, Mary Ellen was diagnosed with cancer in February. She is currently undergoing treatment
and is unable to work. She currently needs assistance in paying for medical treatments and living expenses. You can contribute to her through the
Go Fund Me site
 that has been created for her or by contributing through the church.

Online Giving

Have you explored the
opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or
you can make a one (or more)
time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are
away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!


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  If you are on Facebook,
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Facebook Link

As much as we love gathering together on Sunday mornings, there are times when we are
out of town or otherwise unable
to be there in person.

You can now watch our worship service live on Facebook right
on your computer, tablet, or
smart phone. At 10:30 on
Sunday just head over to our Facebook page and join us!