
Published: Wed, 10/11/17

Dear Members and Friends,

I want to update you on recent developments that have taken place this week with the embezzlement of funds that took place last year.

The state attorney has filed charges and Jill Ellis, our former financial secretary, turned herself into authorities.

With the charges, these events have become public and will appear in the newspaper and possibly on television news.

As a reminder, the money taken, less our $1000 deductible, has been replaced by our Church Insurance Board. Immediately following our discovery of the missing funds, additional safeguards were put in place to keep something like this from happening again.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. This is an unfortunate event in the life of our church. We have learned and continue to learn from it as we continue to answer the call to practice faith, mercy, and justice in community.

Pastor Jason