This Week at FCCLW 9/11/16

Published: Thu, 09/08/16

September 11, 2016                                                                 

Beer and Hymns

You are invited to the beginning of a brand new ministry, a new way for us to be together with one another and with our community.

Tomorrow night, September 9th, from 6:30 to 8:30, we will gather for our first “Beer & Hymns.” What is Beer & Hymns? It is, simply, an opportunity to be together, enjoy some good drink and good food, and sing some favorite hymns together!

Aioli Restaurant will host us and will have beer, wine, soft drinks, and specially prepared dishes for purchase. This is a great opportunity to support a family-owned local business. 

It is also a great opportunity to invite your friends, neighbors, and family who might not want to come to a church service to experience the warm First Congregational family.

We look forward to being together with you!

Justice Ministry House Meeting

In September we will be kicking off our Justice Ministry  year by holding listening meetings in various locations and at various times. The purpose of these meetings is to create a safe, sacred space for us to share our stories of what we are concerned about in our community. Nancy Lydon, Debbie Copeland, and Johana Castillo will be hosting these meetings. See the website for dates and times.
Back to Practice
Several of our faith-practicing opportunities begin again in the coming weeks. 

Our Thursday evening Cenacle Centering Prayer group has resumed meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursdays. This group comes together for silent prayer/meditation followed by discussion. 

On Sunday, September 18th our Psalms Forum, led by Richmond Schmidt, will be beginning again. We will be using this book, PSALMS, A 12-week Study by Douglas Sean O’Donnell. This guide will take us through the beginning of December. We will cover one chapter a week.

For the first class please read up to page 13. We will discuss the Preface and Overview. The questions in the back of the chapter will form the basis for in-class discussions. The book will be available at church after the Sunday services for the next two Sundays or you may  contact Richmond directly to get your copy. 

Since we are at a new beginning with our studies, this is a GREAT time to invite anyone else to join the class and share on this journey of the Psalms with us. There is always room for more explorers!

Peanut Butter Drive  

September is one of our months to collect food for C.R.O.S.  Ministries and this time we are going to collect all peanut butter! Christians Reaching Out to Society is an organization that partners with churches and community organizations to serve and advocate for those in need in Palm Beach County. Our goal is to collect 200 jars of peanut butter for their pantry!

Audio Visual Team
Our audio visual team is continuing to grow and they need your help. If you are willing to learn our sound and/or projection system, help create worship presentations, or help run our camera on Sundays, please see Vickie Grimes.

Facebook Live

As much as we love gathering together on Sunday mornings, there are times when we are out of town or otherwise unable to be there in person. You can now watch our worship service live on Facebook right on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. At 10:30 on Sunday just head over to our Facebook page and join us!


First, go to our page and "Like" us. However, just liking us does not mean that you will see everything we post. Each of our Facebook posts only goes to about 2% of the people who like our page. To make sure you see everything, after you like us, go to the pull-down menu on the "Like" button and click "Get Notifications." This way everything that we post will show up on your own Facebook wall.  If you are on Facebook, you can keep up with what is happening "between Sundays" on our Facebook page.

Hey, Thanks!

You're sharing this newsletter with your friends! More people read (or at least opened) our newsletter than we send out. 

If there is something here that interests you, it may interest someone else.

If a friend sent this to you and you would like to receive it regularly, you can subscribe on our website.





Thank You
Thank you for your amazing generosity! In just one week, you have given enough to completely cover the cost of the sanctuary air conditioning repairs. In addition, by the first Sunday of September, we have collected 79 jars of peanut butter, well on our way to our goal of 200!

Special thanks to Mary Ellen Bryner and Harvey Littlefield for the work they have done in helping get estimates on the AC repair.

Choir Rehearsals Resume
Monday, September 12th, choir rehearsal resumes. If you would like to be part of this warm, good-natured group that assists in leading us in worship, join them at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary.

Season of Creation

During September, we will participate in the Season of Creation during our worship services. See our website for more information.

Bring a Plant
This Sunday, bring a plant from home to decorate our worship space as we engage Flora and Fauna Sunday of Season of Creation.

CROS: End Hunger Walk

We will again participate in the CROS End Hunger Walk. This year, it is on Saturday, October 1st. You can find more information on our website.
Go to Yale
(For free!) Mary Evelyn Tucker, a professor in both the Divinity School and in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University has created four courses on on the cosmos that can be audited for free. See Pastor Jason's blog for more information. 

Toiletries Needed

On the first Tuesday of each month we distribute toiletries to our Community Dinner guests. We are currently in need of small soaps, shampoos, deodorants, feminine hygiene products, wash cloths, tooth brushes and tooth paste. 

Online Giving

Have you explored the opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or you can make a one (or more) time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!