This Week at FCCLW 11/6/16

Published: Thu, 11/03/16

November 6, 2016                                                                 

Rummage Sale

We will be holding a Flea Market and Yard Sale with Eden Place Neighborhood Association on Saturday November 12th. If you would like to have a table, see Barry Nicholson, Bob Lilly, or John Button. The Women's Fellowship will be having their famous cookie table!

Bakers of cookies needed!!! The Women's Fellowship will be conducting our annual "fill a box for $6" cookie sale along with assorted other goodies. The offerings will be sold during the November 12th Rummage Sale held in conjunction with Eden Place Neighborhood Association from 8-2 p.m. Please consider baking and bringing your offering to the sale set-up early Saturday morning or Friday afternoon before the sale.

Rev. John Vertigan With Us

Conference Minister John Vertigan will be with us on Sunday, November 6th.

John is a great speaker with a passion for the ministry of the church. Come hear what God is doing in the wider United Church of Christ!

Divine Dance Study

On Wednesday evenings from October 26th – November 16th, we will gather to discuss Richard Rohr’s new book, Divine Dance. We will also watch video interviews with Rohr discussing the book. See more information about the book and group on our website.

Haiti Hurricane Relief

In response the recent hurricane that devastated Haiti, the Missions Committee of the First Congregational Church is joining forces with Church World Services (CWS).

We are asking members to contribute financially toward this effort. You will find an envelope in your bulletin this week, please consider placing a check made out to "Church World Services" or cash that will go directly to CWS.  

The U.C.C. partners with this organization frequently, and we have as well. The former Tool & Blanket Fund is a CWS effort. You may go on for more information. 
Facebook Live

As much as we love gathering together on Sunday mornings, there are times when we are out of town or otherwise unable to be there in person. You can now watch our worship service live on Facebook right on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. At 10:30 on Sunday just head over to our Facebook page and join us!


First, go to our page and "Like" us. However, just liking us does not mean that you will see everything we post. Each of our Facebook posts only goes to about 2% of the people who like our page. To make sure you see everything, after you like us, go to the pull-down menu on the "Like" button and click "Get Notifications." This way everything that we post will show up on your own Facebook wall.  If you are on Facebook, you can keep up with what is happening "between Sundays" on our Facebook page.






For ALL the Saints

This week, we celebrated the saints that have gone before us, the saints that we are, and the saints we have yet to meet. Listen here.

All Day Silent Retreat
Where: Church parlor
When: Monday, November 14, 2016: 9 AM to 3:30 PM

Bring lunch, if staying all day.
Cost: Requested $20 donation for the day & $10 donation for half day

2017 Mission Spending Plan
If you have not had the opportunity to see our 2017 Mission Spending Plan, pick up a copy this Sunday. In it you will find how we plan to allocate resources to practice faith, mercy, and justice in community. This is also the time of year when we make our faith promises for what we will contribute in 2017. You can also pick up your faith promise cards at the church.

Christmas Preparation

Save the date: November 25th 10:00 a.m. (Friday after Thanksgiving). All willing hands gather to decorate for the Christmas season.

Anyone interested in participating and/or decorating a float for the Christmas parade, see Ginny Somerville or Janet Lisle

Online Giving

Have you explored the opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or you can make a one (or more) time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!
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