FCCLW Between Sundays - February 27, 2012

Published: Sun, 02/26/12

February 27, 2012                                                                                             

The Rainbow Connection

As we began the Lenten season this Sunday, we engaged the story of Noah and the covenant that God made with all of creation. What does the story tell us about humanity's developing understanding of and relationship with God? What does it reveal to us about our relationship with God?
Our worship service was a great experience from beginning to end and  even beyond as people shared with one another the powerful experiences they have had in seeing rainbows at significant moments in their lives. Click here to listen to the sermon and/or share a story you have of a meaningful rainbow sighting in your life!

Open and Affirming Update

Check out our website for the lastest information about where we are in our Open and Affirming discernment process. Join us this Wednesday at 6:00 PM as we continue the conversation!

C.R.O.S. Food Drive Update

You can still bring food for C.R.O.S. ministries. When you go shopping this week, pick up an extra jar of peanut butter, beans, rice, mac & cheese, or tuna for us to take to the C.R.O.S. food pantry.

Vegetarian Cooking Class

Judi Perna is hosting another vegetarian cooking class on Monday, March 5th. You can find more information here.

Eugene Peterson

Pastor Jason will be away this week at a conference with pastor and author Eugene Peterson. If you are interested in more information and want to learn how you can watch two of the sessions, click here.


Every other Sunday after worship, beginning March 4th, we will be showing an episode of the PBS series Nourish. You can find more information here.


Check out the weekly calendar here.

Don't Keep It a Secret!   

Did a friend come to mind when you were reading something in this email? 
Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
Why don't you forward this email to them? 

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.