FCCLW Between Sundays - December 6th

Published: Thu, 01/05/12

January 6, 2011                                                                                             

Expecting Christ

This Sunday we gathered together for worship on the very first day of the year and experienced the story of Anna and Simeon and reflected on how we are expecting Christ to show up in our lives in 2012. Those of us in worship placed our expectations in a sealed envelope that will be mailed to us in a few months. Whether you were there or not, you might consider adding the expectations you are willing to share on our website

We also discussed some of the ways we can make space for Christ to appear in the midst of our lives through spending time in scripture and meditation. For those looking for a primer on meditation you can check out this article on our website. You can also participate in a discussion of the daily lectionary passages here

Finally, one element of expecting Christ that I forgot to mention (I do that a lot) is the willingness to be vulnerable as opposed to always needing to be in control, to learn more and hear a great talk by researcher Brene Brown, you can check out my blog post here.


Open and Affirming Kick-off

Mark your calendars for a week from this Sunday, January 15th as together we kick off a period of learning and celebration regarding our church becoming intentionally Open and Affirming to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community. You will meet the team who will lead us through this process, learn more about the process, and hear a message of encouragement straight from scripture that will invite us to truly open wide the doors of our church to anyone no matter who they are or where they are on life's journey! For more information see the post on our website.

Baptism of Jesus

 On Sunday we will experience together the baptism of Jesus, remember our own baptism, and hear God's words spoken to Jesus and us "You are my beloved child!" We hope to see you there!

We just received news that our gleaning project is ON for this Saturday. We will be picking cucumbers at a farm in western Boynton Beach. Call or email Pastor Jason if you would like to join us!


Check out the weekly calendar here.

Trustees meet next Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

Don't Keep It a Secret!   

Did a friend come to mind when you were reading something in this email? 
Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
Why don't you forward this email to them? 

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.