FCCLW Between Sundays - December 2nd

Published: Thu, 12/01/11

December 2, 2011                                                                                           

We're Going Caroling!

On Sunday, December 18th after the worship service, we are going to take church to some of our homebound members and friends. We are inviting everyone (not just youth and children) to join us as we split up into groups that will each visit one or two people, sing some carols, and deliver Christmas treats. This is a great way for us to remember those that we do not see every week but are still a part of our community. If you are able to participate, please email Pastor Jason or sign up in the sanctuary lobby at church.

Blue Christmas

If "merry" is hard to find in your Christmas this year because of a loss, challenge or other sadness, we have created a space just for you at our first "Blue Christmas" service being held Wednesday evening, December 7th. You can find more information here.


Sunday began the four week season before Christmas known as Advent. It is the opportunity to pause and prepare our hearts for the birth of Christ into our lives. However, in our culture, it also happens to be a very busy, sometimes stressful time where we attend parties and concerts, try to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones, negotiate family gatherings, study for semester final exams, and involve ourselves with everything that must be done before the end of the year.

Here are a couple of opportunities for you to create some space and intention during Advent:
On Tuesday evenings from 6:25 PM - 6:55 PM (note time change!) in the sanctuary we will gather to sing, pray, and engage our senses at our Advent Vespers.
And each day during Advent Pastor Jason will be sharing his thoughts on each day's lectionary scripture passages. We invite you to share your comments as well as to how God is speaking to you through the scriptures each day. You can find the Advent Lectionary Blog here.
Potter and Clay

If you missed worship on Sunday, you can hear Jason's sermon on "Longing" here.

"The Forgotten Bomb"

When the Cold War ended, worry about nuclear weapons also receded. But has the nuclear threat really receded as well? If the U.S. and Russia are no longer in an arms race, why are there nuclear weapons in both countries that are still on high alert?
Filmmaker Bud Ryan sets out to discover what possible explanations there could be as to why the posture of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) still exists, and how the nuclear powers might free the world from this threat once and for all.

Join us this Saturday, December 3rd at 2:30 PM in the parlor as we screen and discuss this film.



Check out the weekly calendar here.

Diaconate meets Sunday after worship.

Don't Keep It a Secret!   

Did a friend come to mind when you were reading something in this email? 
Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
Why don't you forward this email to them? 

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.