FCCLW Between Sundays 9/29/11

Published: Thu, 09/29/11

September 29, 2011                                                                                          

C.R.O.S. Food Drive Extended

We are extending our C.R.O.S Food Drive a couple of more weeks so we can reach our goal of 111 bags of food to Christians Reaching Out to Society's food pantry. Bring a bag or three to church this week. To see the list of preferred items click here.

Mission: 1

Don't Keep It a Secret!   

Did a friend come to mind when you were reading something in this email? 
Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
Why don't you forward this email to them? 

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.

God's Loving Wisdom

The Ten Commandments - growing up we learned them as rules we have to follow. Recently, they have been the cause of arguments regarding whether they should be hung on the walls of public spaces. Sunday, we will imagine how they can be useful for our spiritual lives and our life together.

If you missed this Sunday's sermon on the River of Life, you can find it here.


Check out the weekly calendar here.

Missions meets next Tuesday night at 7:00 PM.