FCCLW Between Sundays 8/27/11

Published: Sat, 08/27/11

August 27, 2011                                                                                              

Thank you for opening this email on what I am sure is a busy Saturday for you (and if you are opening it later, thank you too!) What follows are two important announcements for the next week, one especially for tomorrow. 

Newspapers Needed!

If you have some old newspapers at home, we could really use them for a project we are undertaking here at church this week. You can bring them tomorrow to church and leave them in the lobby. If you are reading this later in the week, you can drop them off at the church or give Pastor Jason a call (561-891-9339) to pick them up. Thank you!

Your Voice is Wanted!

On Tuesday, August 30th at 7:00 PM, we will be gathering as a church to begin a conversation on who we are and who we are becoming as First Congregational Church of Lake Worth. As a part of our church, we want you to be involved in this conversation! Here are the opportunities you will have to share:

1. Bring with you to the gathering an object that symbolizes or represents a feeling or memory related to your church experience.

2. Share the three greatest concerns you have at this time in your life (they might be concerns about yourself, your family, or our world).

3. Share what it is about your experience of Christ that you feel would be helpful for others.

We will split into smaller groups to share. And of course, you have the option of just listening to what others share. 

Please consider joining us and let us know if you will be attending so we know how many to prepare for.