FCCLW Between Sundays 7/20/11

Published: Wed, 07/20/11

July 20, 2011                                                                                                     

First Congregational Goes to Synod

On July 3rd, a group from our church went to spend the day t General Synod 28 in Tampa. Check out the website for some pictures from their adventure!

Let's Talk

Join us Tuesday evening, August 30th at 7:00 PM, for a conversation about our life together as a church. Click here for more information.
Wrestling With Angels

We are spending time on Sunday mornings working our way through some of the most ancient writings in scripture, the stories from the book of Genesis. This week we experienced the story of Jacob's wilderness encounter with the Divine. You can watch the sermon here.

However, our worship each week is SO much more than just the sermon. So, we would love to worship with you next Sunday as we peer into the story of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah. Also next week, we are excited to welcome special guest artists "Impetuous," a quarte that will be sharing with us in song.

The More We Get Together...


Our website is helpful in keeping everyone up-to-date with what is happening "at church." But it hasn't been as helpful in facilitating us staying in contact with one another and actually being the church...until now... 

Serving our World...

We are collecting school supplies for South Grade and North Grade elementary schools all through July. You can find the list here, and bring supplies for the next two Sundays.


Check out the weekly calendar here.

This Sunday after worship, our Sunday School team will be meeting to discuss the next couple of months.

And Tuesday night, Church Council will be meeting.

Don't Keep It a Secret!   

Did a friend come to mind when you were reading something in this email? 
Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
Why don't you forward this email to them? 

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.