FCCLW Between Sundays 5/10/11

Published: Mon, 05/09/11

May 10, 2011                                                                                                     

Where Do We Find Jesus?

When the early followers of Jesus experienced his Resurrection, they were transformed. In the same way, our own experience of the Risen Christ can bring about transformation in our own lives, in our community, and in our church. This Sunday in worship we talked about the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus who, in the midst of their disappointment, encountered the Risen Christ. If you weren't able to be with us, you can watch Pastor Jason's sermon here

This summer we will have the opportunity to explore, experiment, and experience togetherhow we might experience Christ in our contemporary everyday lives through intentional spiritual formation. You can find out more about this group here and if you are interested in participating or want more information, you can contact Pastor Jason

Finally,  consider joining us next Sunday as we explore together the "Bold Witness" of the testimony of the early church who, because of their experience of Jesus Christ, became a community of believers that astounded their world!

The More We Get Together...


Our website is helpful in keeping everyone up-to-date with what is happening "at church." But it hasn't been as helpful in facilitating us staying in contact with one another and actually being the church...until now... 

Thank You Easter Bunnies!

We had a great time at our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 23rd. Special thanks to everyone who helped make it a great day...


Check out the weekly calendar here.
Don't Keep It a Secret! 

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