Between Sundays 5/27/10

Published: Thu, 05/27/10

May 13, 2010                                                                                       

Community Dinner Fundraiser

Next Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th, from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, we will be holding a yard sale at the church to raise money for our Lake Worth Community Dinner and some improvements to the kitchen. Contact Pattie Taylor or the church office if you have any items that you would like to donate. You can also donate funds to help support the continuing ministry of Lake Worth Community Dinner. Each meal costs approximately $110 to prepare. Thank you Pattie for all your help in continuing this valuable ministry to our community and church!

The Challenge of Being a Truth-Teller

This Sunday, we talked about how "Every Life...Needs a Truth-teller," experiencing together the story of David and Nathan, who came alongside David and took the risk of speaking truth into his life.

In my sermon I mentioned M. Scott Peck's description of pseudocommunity that occurs when we are involved in "communities" and relationships, but fail to take the opportunity to speak truth to one another, to hold one another accountable.

However, there is a shadow side to speaking truth...
Read more at my blog, Progressing in Faith.
Leadership Corner:
Gratitude, Generosity, and Persistence

This Sunday, several of us had the opportunity of attending Pastor Jason's graduation from Florida Center for Theological Studies. One of the speakers shared three lessons he had learned from his father-in-law: gratitude, generosity, and persistence. They are three values that would greatly enhance anyone's ability to lead. You can read a bit about them here.
What Do You Play?

To more effectively fulfill our mission and engage younger generations in loving God, loving others, and serving the world, it is necessary to expand our opportunities for worship. Do you or someone you know play an instrument or sing? Let Pastor Jason know!
This Week's Opportunities

Check out the weekly calendar here.
Every Life...

We are continuing our Sunday morning series on community and relationships, Every Life.... This week, we explored the story of David and Nathan from Hebrew Scripture as we suggested that, like David, "Every Life...Needs a Truth-Teller"
For the next two Sundays, we will talk about the importance and impact each life has. We begin with "Every Life...Comes With a Gift" next Sunday. We hope to see you there!
Christian Meditation

There will be no Meditation group this Monday due to the Memorial Day holiday. We will resume Monday morning meetings next Monday, June 7th.

Don't Keep It a Secret! 

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Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
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