Between Sundays 4/28/10

Published: Tue, 04/27/10

April 28, 2010                                                                                       

Between Sundays

 Thanks for opening this email! We are re-launching our weekly email with a new look, new title, and slightly new function. We'll still do our best to keep you up-to-date about what is happening on our campus, but we'll also try to provide some encouragement to you as you are the church between Sundays. See my blog post below for where we got the title:
My son Emerson is 5 years old and he is just now becoming aware of the sequence of days. Where Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. were just words, now he is connecting them to his life. Friday, he knows, is show-and-tell day at school. That is followed by Saturday which, for the most part, is our family's Sabbath. We spend the day together goofing off. He's figured out that after Friday and Saturday comes Sunday, when we "go to church." He still checks with us though. When he wakes up he asks Trish or me, "Is this church day?" When we answer affirmatively, he is sometimes excited. He enjoys being with his friends and singing the songs and learning the verses. Other times he is disappointed. Church edges out school in his young mind and heart, but neither is as good as staying home and playing with Play Doh with Mom and Dad.

Isn't that amazing? Even at the tender age of five, he's already made the connection. He has bought into the idea that most of us accepted long ago. Sunday is for church, and, unfortunately, church is for Sunday...
You can read the rest of this post on my blog,
As always, I count it a privilege to be the church with you on Sundays and in-between!
Every Life...

This Sunday, we began a brand new series during our worship service, Every Life...
For the next six weeks, we will be exploring the topics of relationship and community, especially as it relates to life together in the church. This Sunday, we introduced the subject with Every Life...Is Created for Community, a scriptural survey of the concept of community, from Genesis to Revelation,  You can watch or listen here. Next Sunday we'll talk about how we can encourage one another, how Every Life...Needs a Cheering Section. We would love for you to join us!
Two New Spiritual Practice Opportunities

The Tuesday morning Christian Meditation & Prayer group is now the Monday morning Christian Meditation & Prayer Group! This group, beginning May 3 at 10:00 - 11:30 am, is open to anyone interested in the prayer of the heart.
Lectio Divina, prayerful listening to the Scriptures is a Christian practice which dates back to the early church. Join Carol Lewis in the church parlor at 4:00 - 5:00 pm on Tuesday afternoons in May, beginning May 4 to learn to read and hear passages from the Bible as they speak to your personal needs of today.
Digging Deeper

As we learned Sunday, the Bible is full of incredible teachings, stories, and images relating to community. If you are looking for some scripture reading for your own devotional time, why not try some of these?
John 13:1-20
John 13:31-35
1 Corinthians 3
Hebrews 10:19-25

This Week's Opportunities

Check out the weekly calendar here.
Don't Keep It a Secret! 

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Do you know someone who is looking for a community of people who are practicing loving God, loving others, and serving the world?
Why don't you forward this email to them?

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