This Week at FCCLW 4/17/16

Published: Thu, 04/14/16

April 17, 2016                                                                                               

Silent Retreat Day 

The Monday Morning Meditation Group will once again be holding a day of silent meditation on April 18th from 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM in the church parlor. See Nancy Lydon for additional information regarding this opportunity to take an extended period of time in silence and connection with God. Bring a bag lunch.

The Cup of Freedom
This week we sat with Peter and experienced the Freedom to Serve. You can watch the service here. Next Sunday we will engage the power of the Resurrection as it relates to our lives and our planet as we talk about The Freedom to Rise.

Justice Film Series

Sunday, April 24 at 11:45, "This Changes Everything," a film based on the book of the same title, will be shown in the parlor as part of our Earth Day activities. Naomi Klein, an award-winning journalist and author, shows the impact free-market capitalism has had and continues to have in driving climate change and the resistance to sustainable energy and economies. It is a wake-up call that offers hope through examples of alternatives to our current addiction to extractionism, profit, and growth.

Enneagram Study Group

This spring, we will gather for a 12-week class on the Enneagram, a psychological, spiritual tool to learn about ourselves and others. The cost will be $50 per participant to cover materials. It will be held at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings, beginning April 27th. For more information, check our website. If you are interested, contact Pastor Jason, or indicate your interest on your Connection Card.

Not Written in Stone

What if we were to change the way we talk about aging, from a story about decline to seeing the aging process through a lens of opportunity and growth. That is what Rabbi Rachel Cowan suggests in her interview with Spirituality and Health. You can read it here

David Whyte On Being

During on Lenten series "Gifts of the Dark Wood," we included some of the poetry of David Whyte. He was interviewed this week on the radio program On Being talking about The Conversational Nature of Reality. You can hear the program here


On Saturday morning April 30, you are invited to join us in our group gleaning day of the year with C.R.O.S. Ministries. Gleaning is the ancient, biblical practice of picking produce from a field that has already been harvested. Less than grocery-store-perfect peppers, cucumbers, and corn are picked, boxed and distributed to the hungry in Palm Beach County. We will not know until the week before where we will be gleaning. If you are interested in participating, contact Ginny Somerville, Janet Lisle, or email us to let us know you will be participating.


If you are on Facebook, you can keep up with what is happening "between Sundays" on our Facebook page. First, go to our page and "Like" us. However, just liking us does not mean that you will see everything we post. Each of our Facebook posts only goes to about 2% of the people who like our page. To make sure you see everything, after you like us, go to the pull-down menu on the "Like" button and click "Get Notifications." This way everything that we post will show up on your own Facebook wall.

The Gospel According to Billy Joel 

Beginning May 15th, we'll begin a new worship series based on the music of Billy Joel. We will kick it off on Pentecost as we engage the topic of the Holy Spirit with "She's Got a Way." 

Thank You
Thank you to our Men's Fellowship for providing a great picnic spread on Sunday. The food was delicious!

Sunday Morning Bible Study
Each Sunday morning at 9:30, a Bible study is held in the parlor. This group has made it's way through half of the Psalms since the beginning of the year. You are welcome to join them!

Renewal Book Club
Our next book club meeting will be on Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30 pm in the parlor. We will be discussing "The Boston Girl" by Anita Diamante. Join us for an evening of good conversation and a tasty dessert.

Stewardship Seminar

Are you interested in learning more about how we can sustain and grow the financial resources we need to continue to fund this practicing community of faith, mercy, and justice? Save the date of Friday, May 27, when we will welcome Rev. Patrick Rogers, former CPA and current pastor of Fort Lauderdale United Church of Christ, for a seminar on church stewardship.

Audio Visual Team
Our audio visual team is continuing to grow and they need your help. If you are willing to learn our sound and/or projection system, help create worship presentations, or help run our camera on Sundays, please see Vickie Grimes.

Online Giving

Have you explored the opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or you can make a one (or more) time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!

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