This Week at FCCLW 5/3/15

Published: Thu, 04/30/15

May 3, 2015                                                                         

Farewell Party for Tina

On May 3rd following the worship service, we will gather to celebrate our favorite Ghanian, Faustina Appiah. Tina will be traveling back home to Ghana the following week so will gather to remember and celebrate her time with us. Join us!
Nepal Earthquake

If you would like to make a contribution to help relief efforts in Nepal, you may do so through Church World Service. You can put a check in the offering plate designated for "Earthquake Relief" or contribute online at
Discussion Group

Beginning Wednesday evening, May 13th at 7:00 PM, we will gather together to discuss Father Richard Rohr’s book, Breathing Underwater. See our website for more information. 
Coffee & Conversation

Join us on Thursday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 in the parlor for coffee and fellowship. 


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Jesus the Good Shepherd

This Sunday we dusted off the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd and explored how that image might be meaningful to us personally and as a society. If you weren't with us Sunday, you can see the sermon here.

2015 Scholarship Applications

We are now accepting applications for the 2015 College scholarship. The scholarship is for members of First Congregational Church of Lake Worth who are beginning or continuing college or vocational education. You can find the guidelines and application here or pick up a copy at the church campus. 
Online Giving

Have you explored the opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or you can make a one (or more) time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!
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