This Week at FCCLW 8/10/14

Published: Thu, 08/07/14

August 10, 2014                                                                                 

School Supply Drive

We are once again collecting school supplies for both North Grade Elementary School. This school serves a largely disadvantaged student population and every little bit helps. Please consider picking up some  items during your next trip to the grocery or discount store and bring them to church with you Sunday. You can find a list of needed items on our website

This Sunday

We explored the story of Jacob's wrestling match with the Divine stranger and considered how we might set aside the names we have been given by ourselves and others and hear the name that God has for us - "child of God." You can watch the sermon here. 

Next Sunday

Join us as we survey the life of Joseph and discover what lessons his life might have for us.
Together Through Technology

A big part of the efficacy and power of the early church was that its participants spent a great deal of time together. They met together, shared meals, cared for one another. Most of us living in the 21st century in the United States would not find such a lifestyle practical (although many within the new monastic movement, including the simple way, are experimenting with just that). Lately, I have been wondering how technology might nudge us toward "spending much time together." You can read more of Pastor Jason's blog post here.
Mark Your Calendars

Click here for details.
We're On Facebook!

If you are on Facebook, head over to our Facebook page and "Like" us to keep up with what is going on at First Congregational United Church of Christ "between Sundays."


Book Study Group

Consider joining us beginning Wednesday, August 13 at 6:30 PM for a five-week discussion of
"Practicing the Presence of God for Practical Purposes." See our website for more information.  See our website for more information.
Open to Grace Yoga

Did you know we have a yoga class here at the church? Each Thursday, instructor Sally Grillo leads a group. You can learn more on our website.

The Daily

The daily is back from summer hiatus! Check in each day for thoughts on the daily lectionary readings, links to inspirational devotionals and opportunities to pray for one another.
Online Giving

Have you explored the opportunity of electronic giving? You can choose to have a set amount taken from your bank account on a regular basis or you can make a one (or more) time gift by checking account or credit card on our website. Your regular electronic giving means that your gift is available for ministry even when you are away (or forgot your checkbook!). Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of First Congregational Church!

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