Life@First Congregational - Welcome New Members!

Published: Mon, 10/19/09

Loving God, Loving Others, Serving the World           

October 19th, 2009                                                                                                  
Welcome New Members!

 This Sunday we welcomed four people who wanted to stand and say "We want to be part of what God is doing through First Congregational Church of Lake Worth!"
From left to right, Mark Stanford, Barbara Derryberry, Betty Plitt, and Jim Limauro, all active participants in our church, "made it official" by affirming their baptism and joining this local church. In addition, Mark was baptized, wanting to engage in an outward sign representing the new life that he has experienced in Christ.
We welcome these four into the life and ministry of our church! 

This Sunday, we experienced together the "big wisdom" of God, summed up in the Hebrew shema and later expanded by Jesus in the great commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself."
Is it possible that such wisdom is still applicable in the 21st century? Aren't we just supposed to think for ourselves? Listen or watch this Sunday's message here.
Next Sunday, we will tackle a topic that keeps so many in spiritual limbo. Sometimes, even if we believe that God is big enough, we are hesitant to turn to God because of mistakes that we have made. Consciously or unconcsiously, we believe we have "ruined our chances" with God. You will want to join us and bring a friend as we experience God's truly radical grace and how God Is Big Enough to Handle Our Mistakes.

This holiday season, the Mission Committee will be offering products to purchase from SERRV, a ministry that sells products made by craftspeople in developing countries. We have chosen a great selection of reasonably priced gifts. You can see them after the worship service on Sunday, October 25th, at Evening on the Avenues in downtown Lake Worth, on November 6th, 20th, and December 4th, and on our website here.
New Group Opportunity

If you just don't "get" what the spiritual life is all about, if you have tried to be a "good Christian" but have repeatedly failed, this group just might be for you. A fulfilling, effective spiritual life isn't based so much on will-power as it is in a healthy view of God. Led by Pastor Jason and based on the book by James Bryan Smith, this 10 week small group experience seeks to accomplish three things: teach us about the God that Jesus knew and revealed, invite us to participate in "soul training" exercises based on what we learn, and introduce us to the benefits of traveling together in our spiritual journey. We will start on Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00 PM (Note date change). Click here for more information or to sign up to participate.

Join us Tuesday evening from
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM for a great meal and great fellowship!
Pastor Jason, Connected

You Know Someone... 

..(we know you do, we have our ways) who will benefit from something mentioned in this newsletter. Show them a little love and forward it to them!

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.
For archive of previous editions, click here.

Serving Our Community
And the World...

Sunday, October 11tha group from our church walked in the Christians Reaching Out to Society annual C.R.O.S. Walk. We will let you know how much was raised in a couple of weeks.
And a big "thank-you" is due to all those who participated in our September food drive for C.R.O.S. We collected 75 bags of food, and $90 in cash donations which should be plenty to reach our goal of 100 bags of food for the hungry in our county.

Reading for Renewal

This Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the church parlor, the women's Reading for Renewal group will gather to discuss Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier.
Project Linus

The misssion of Project Linus is to provide love, a sense of security,  warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteers. If you would like to join us but need instruction in knitting or crocheting , one of our members would love to teach you.  For additional information, call Betty Rigdon @ 964-5926.
Gadget Drive

Do you have a drawer that looks like this? Well, you might be able to help us out! We are currently conducting a "gadget drive" to raise money for improved video and audio equipment in the sanctuary.
Here is how it works:
1. Go to this website and find the value of the electronic device you would like to donate (laptops, cell phones, camcorders, mp3 players, and more)
2. Send the item to Gazelle for free. (They are the company that is helping us with the drive).
3. Gazelle will send a check to the church.
How easy is that??!
If you have a gadget but don't want to deal with the website, drop it off at the church office.
If you haven't bought an electronic device since 1978, please forward this email to your kids and grandkids. They will have stuff laying around they may be looking to get rid of! 

This Week's Opportunities

Tuesday 10/20
10:00 AM  Meditation Group, Parlor
6:00 -
7:00 PM   LW Community Dinner
7:00 PM   Young Adult Gathering
Wednesday 10/21
6:30 PM   Reading for Renewal
Thursday 10/22
10:00 AM  Bible Study
6:30 PM    BINGO!, Fellowship Hall
Sunday 10/25
10:30 AM  Worship Service
11:45 AM  Project Linus

Monday 10/26
7:00 PM    Meditation Group, Parlor 
7:00 PM    Choir Rehearsal