Life@First Congregational - 9/16/09

Published: Mon, 09/14/09

Loving God, Loving Others, Serving the World           

September 16, 2009

Making a Difference

This Sunday we shared a great time in worship together. We explored the subject of "Making a Difference." The Gospel is more than just the minimal entrance requirements for getting into Heaven after we die. The Gospel is the Good News that, through Jesus, the Kingdom of God is here now. This message traces the idea of the "Year of Jubilee" from it's origins in the Torah, to its fulfillment in Jesus, to its practice by the early church, to its potential to change our world.
If you were at Night of Joy this weekend or otherwise unable to be in the service, I encourage you to listen or watch "Making a Difference" here. Then, plan on being at church next Sunday as we finish up with the "Compassionate Life" and talk about how living compassionately benefits us in "The Way Out is the Way Out."

 September is our church's month to collect food for Christians Reaching Out to Society, a local food pantry. As you can imagine, their needs are great in the current economic situation. Our goal is 100 bags of food and we are about one third of the way there. Thank you!
You can drop off your food at the church office during the week or bring it in on Sunday morning.
We Need Website Testers (One More Time!)

Thank you to those of you who critqued the website. We made some changes based on your suggestions. If you didn't get a chance to do so last week, take a few moments and look around and click your heart out to make sure everything works on your specific web browser.
Also, consider the information that is presented and how it is presented. Does it give you the information you need as a member or friend of the church? If you were looking for a church would the website pique your interest? We would love to know! Check out the website here, then send an email to Jason. He would greatly appreciate it!
We will go live next week!

Being Church for the Younger Generation

On Saturday, September 26th we will be taking a group to the Southeast Regional Youth Summit in North Miami from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
We will meet our new regional youth minister, Sheila Guillaume and discuss ways in which the youth with the support of their congregations can further develop our youth ministry.
We are looking for middle school students, high school students, and those who are interested in ministry to students to join us.
Let Carol know by Sunday, September 20th, if you are interested in joining us.
Community Dinner Time Change

Beginning this Tuesday, 9/15, the Community Dinners will begin at 6:00 PM instead of 5:30.
Join us for a great free meal and good fellowship.
You Know Someone... 

..(we know you do, we have our ways) who will benefit from something mentioned in this newsletter. Show them a little love and forward it to them!

If a friend forwarded this email to you, first of all, thank them! Then subscribe for yourself at our website.
For archive of previous editions, click here.


The second issue of the all new Crossroads will be out in two weeks. This is the final call for articles. The deadline is this Friday and space is filling up fast!
If you didn't catch the August issue, you can take a look at it here.

This Week's Opportunities

Tuesday 9/15
10:00 AM    Meditation Group, Parlor
6:00 -          Community Dinner
7:00 PM
Note new time for Community Dinner!
Wednesday 9/16
6:30 PM   Book Discussion Group
                Daydee Smith's house
Thursday 9/17
10:00 AM   Bible Study, Parlor
12:00 PM   Women's Fellowship
                   Birthday Lunch
Sunday 9/20
10:30 AM    Worship
Monday 9/21
7:00 PM    Meditation Group, Parlor 
7:00 PM    Choir Rehearsal,


Pastor Jason, Connected
