Life@First Congregational - Back to Church Issue!

Published: Mon, 08/31/09

Loving God, Loving Others, Serving the World           "Back to Church" Issue

September 1, 2009

Back to Worship

Sunday mornings are a special time in our life together as a local church. It is when we come together to worship. Every week, we affirm why it is we have dinners, write budgets, study the Bible, and minister to our community--because of our relationship with a God who loves us. It is a time to celebrate and reconnect and remember. Since it is also usually the first exposure visitors have to our church, it is also a great opportunity to begin invite them into the relationship we have with God and with one another.
That is why it is so important  that we bring our best on Sunday mornings. It is easy to get in the habit of coming and "watching the show" on Sunday mornings--especially since it is usually a pretty good show. However, worship is more meaningful to us, more meaningful to God (the ultimate audience for our worship), and more appealing to our guests when as many as possible participate. 
We invite you to become involved in the worship ministry of our church. The core of our music and worship ministry is our choir which begins rehearsing again Monday, September 14th at 7:00 PM. It is a committed group that work to lead us in worship each and every week. They are not professionals, just passionate about singing and helping others who are interested in joining them. Contact Bruce Linser if you are interested in joining them!
And other opportunities abound! Are you a soloist? Do you play an instrument? Have you ever wanted to sing in a men's or women's quartet? Do you enjoy praise and worship music? Have you ever wanted to play a hand chime? (Have you ever wondered what a "hand chime" is?!) Let us know! Bruce and Pastor Jason are willing to explore just about any creative avenue of music and worship. How do you want to participate?
(Do you want to get started this week? We need a few people to help lead a new worship song this Sunday. Contact Pastor Jason if you are interested.)

Back to Small Groups

Our existing small groups resume in September. Much more than simply "classes," these are opportunities for you to connect with others in safe and supportive environments to encourage you on your spiritual path.
Monday Evening Meditation
Monday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, Parlor
Meditation, prayer and sharing and a teaching series on Christian mystics. Begins September 7th.

Tuesday Morning Meditation
Tuesday 10:00 AM-11:30 AM,Parlor
A time of prayer, meditation and sharing followed by refreshments and teaching on the benefits on centering prayer. Begins September 1st.
Bible Study
Thursday 10:00 AM-11:15 AM, Parlor
Together we reflect on and respond to God's word. We are currently working through the Gospel of John. Begins September 3rd.
A new opportunity is also available this fall. If you are interested in a group that gathers for the purpose of supporting, challenging, and encouraging one another in the practices we have been discussing in our series, Streams of Living Water, contact Pastor Jason for more details.

Back to Work... figure out how to best reach out to youth.
On Saturday, September 26th we will be taking a group to the Southeast Regional Youth Summit in North Miami from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
We will meet our new regional youth minister, Sheila Guillaum and discuss ways in which the youth with the support of their congregations can further develop our youth ministry.
We are looking for middle school students, high school students, and those who are interested in ministry to students to join us.
Let Carol know by Sunday, September 20th, if you are interested in joining us.
Community Dinner

We are having a great time at out Tuesday night Community Dinners! Come join us for a great evening of food and fellowship from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
You Know Someone... 

..(we know you do, we have our ways) who will benefit from something mentioned in this newsletter. Show them a little love and forward it to them!

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For archive of previous editions, click here.


People of the Book

 Sunday we continued our series on how are lives can be transformed by God in the series Streams of Living Water. We looked at the Bible, the written Word of God, as a tool for transformation and cleansing in our lives. You can watch or listen to the sermon here. (It is a new web page. please email us and let us know how it works for you!)
Next Sunday, we will experience together in music, word, and communion the Word of God incarnated (made flesh), Jesus. It is a time of worship you will not want to miss!

This Week's Opportunities

Tuesday 9/1
10:00 AM   Meditation, Parlor
5:30-7 PM  Lake Worth Community 
                 Dinner, Fellowship Hall
Thursday 9/3
10:00 AM   Bible Study, Parlor
Sunday 8/16
10:30 AM    Worship, Communion

Pastor Jason, Connected
