Life@First Congregational 3/3/09

Published: Tue, 03/03/09

Loving God, Loving Others, Serving the World                                                                   March 3, 2009


Outflow Begins!

Well, we've had our first Sunday and are starting our first small groups of Outflow this week and we are off to a great start! There are wonderful discussions being shared, assumptions being questioned, and, I'm sure, a few buttons being pushed as we explore together what it means to have a relationship with God and how that relationship can spill over into the lives and the the world around us. There are still plenty of opportunities to get involved in one of the discussion groups:
Monday Evenings                5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Wednesday Evenings          6:30 PM- 8:00 PM
Thursday Mornings              9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Thursday Evenings              6:30 PM-8:00 PM
(with groups for adults, children, and youth)
We have canceled the Saturday morning session for the time being since we haven't received any interest in that particular group. But we can re-activate it at a moment's notice. So let Jason know if you are interested.
I Never Thought of That!

A value that is very important to us as a church is the open communion table, to which anyone, no matter who they are or where they are on life's journey, is welcomed. I strive to make that clear each month as we come to the table together.
However, someone asked me an interesting question this week. How does a guest know how we take communion. You might be thinking the same thing as I was: "Well you just do it." But a guest will have no idea what it is that we "just do." If they come from a different tradition or no tradition at all they will be confused and maybe even embarrassed. In fact, the family of the person that brought this to my attention told me that they didn't come to church on communion Sundays because they didn't know what they were supposed to do! 
You can bet that we will be correcting that. You see, hospitality is more than just saying that everyone is welcome. It includes making sure that we are actively ensuring that everyone is welcome by removing the obstacles that stand in the way of them becoming as involved as they want to be in the life of our church.
Help me out. What are some other ways that we might be excluding others by what we do? If you are a recent guest, I'd especially like to hear from you!

Pastor Jason
You Know Someone... 

..(we know you do, we have our ways) who will benefit from something mentioned in this newsletter. Show them a little love and forward it to them!

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"Come to the Party"

This Sunday, Pastor Jason kicked off the Outflow series by taking a look at why church is sometimes such a drag and how Jesus can turn funerals into parties, turn emptiness into over-flowing life, and turn self-focused lives outward. You can listen to the sermon here.
Next Sunday we will examine the first tier of the four-tier fountain, our own relationship with God. What does a relationship with God look like? What is its value? What does it produce in our lives? You have asked these questions yourself and you know someone who is asking these questions now. This Sunday will be a great opportunity to explore them together.Come and bring a friend!

Party this Sunday!

This Sunday, from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM we are inviting the neighborhood over for hot dogs and burgers! Come and bring a friend and maybe an outdoor game you like to play. The rest is on us!
Evening on the Avenue

Come by and see us this Friday night at the Lake Worth Cultural Plaza for Lake Worth's Evening on the Avenues. We will be selling raffle tickets to raise money for our mission trip to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi as well as getting to know our neighbors a little better.
This Week's Opportunities

Wednesday 3/4
6:30 PM    Outflow
Thursday 3/5
9:30 AM    Outflow, Parlor
12:00 N     Womens' Fellowship
6:30 PM    Outflow, Parlor
                Outflow Kids, Room #2
                Outflow Youth, Room #6
                Bingo, Fellowship Hall
Friday 3/6
7:00 PM      Meditation and More
Sunday 3/8
10:30 AM    Worship, "Fill 'Er Up"
12:00 Noon  Community Cook Out
Monday 3/9
5:30 PM      Outflow, Fellowship Hall
7:00 PM      Choir Rehearsal,
                   Church Parlor
Tuesday 3/10
10:00 AM     Meditation,
                   Church Parlor